Today, Internet Works, a coalition of 21 small to mid-sized technology platforms and organizations, filed an amicus curiae brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in the case Gonzalez v. Google.
This statement can be attributed to Internet Works:
“Section 230 protects internet users, as well as platforms and organizations of all shapes and sizes. Without this foundational law, the internet would not be a driver of economic growth or global forum for conversation and connection. A misguided reinterpretation of Section 230 risks undermining the digital ecosystem as we know it, including by significantly degrading user experience and expectations of how the internet works today.
Put simply, what’s at stake is the internet’s continued ability to connect, enable and serve people around the world.
In its brief, Internet Works explains why Section 230 clearly protects organizing and displaying content to users, highlights the importance of Section 230 across the internet ecosystem and urges the Court to preserve the internet as a tool for free speech, education, commerce and innovation.”
Read the full brief HERE.